Friday, February 27, 2009

Since the east coast. Part I.

I thought it would be a good idea if i got caught up on my male dramz from the last 8 ish months.
So that I can vent about all my new ones.

So I dated Anthony Foster for a few months while out there.
He was so cute.
Quarterback of the college football team, tall, funny.

We dated seriously for about a month, until I moved back.
When I got home, I basically went straight to California.
Made a stop in a small town on the way and hooked up with Mikey Burke.
We have known each other since Middle School.
I'd always wanted to hook up with him.
And finally I did, and it was good.

Then we made our way to California.
We hung out with our ladies, meeting men of all different shapes and sizes. The last night there was July 4th. We were watching fireworks on the beach. I saw a cute (ish) kid. He asked to sit by me.
We unded up making out during the fire works (slut?).

After the fireworks, we went to a party. I felt so guilty that I called up Anthony. And told him I'd just kissed someone (I said "one kiss" and forgot to mention Mikey...)
Anthony was mad. And I cried. And it ruined my last night of my vacation. I stayed inside and didn't go out the rest of the night, even though all my girlfriends did.

The next week, my dad was going out of town.
Perfect opportunity for a party.

So me and three of my girlfriends invited everyone we knew.
It was a really fun party, a lot of mingling, some dancing, and a lot of catching up.
Unfortunately, it was mostly a high school reunion....

Which brings me to Chad Taylor.
He'd hooked up with my best friend the year before.
Not that cute, but sassy. In a good way.
He invited me to be his "date" that weekend. Him and a couple of his friends were all taking girls and going up to his cabin in Idaho.

So I went. One of my good girl friends was his friends' date.
We flirted the whole weekend, cuddled, drove 4-wheelers together, and finally.
The last day.
We kissed.

We both figured it'd be a weekend thing. But we ended up dating.

I can get to that later.

Before we became "OFFICIAL", I hung out with Michael Bradley.
I met him at the same party I had at my house.
He was really cute. Veagan, indie, religious, different.
He said he was anti dating.
But he took me on a date.
We rode our bikes to the theater and watched a movie. Then came back to my place and made out. He was and still is one of the best kissers I've kissed. (Don't I say that about everyone? I'm serious this time.)

We kept hanging out off and on, but never kissed again.

One week, soon after Chad and I had gotten home from our weekend getaway, he went out of town.

So I hung out with Jordan Thomas. I swear there has been sexual tension there ever since Middle School.
We have been friends since then, and I've always liked him. Now, he kind of reminds me of Anthony. Tall, dark haired, funny, handsome, basketball star. Seriously, he played Varsity in 9th grade.

We hooked up while Chad was in Hawaii.

Oh, did I mention Jordan was one of Chad's good friends? They played basketball together all through high school.

Okay, that's all for now.
I'll do better at updating more often.

Unfortunately, I have A LOT to say.

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